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Frequently asked questions

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What is your Managed Hosting by Scalesta?

We are a team of qualified SysOps Administrators, SRE and DevOps engineers with a great experience. We also have an information security specialists in our team, who monitors all your projects and protects them from hacker attacks.

We provide a full technical solution for your website that includes: dedicated server with server and website monitoring, daily backups to another server, 24/7 server incidents reaction, etc. Our best features also include:

  • Optimized server configuration for eCommerce projects
  • Web server fine-tuning by experts to provide maximum performance
  • The highest hosting and delivery quality
  • Strong and up-to-date security to protect your website from attacks


Also, I just would like to remind you that we provide not only a server; this is a complete technical solution with a lot of enterprise-level features and improvements for your website. We offer around the clock server monitoring so you can have the peace of mind.